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Above: a selection of my tests, and puppets in action

Early Aardman course tests

Replacement animation with a splat
Testing felting for characters, set
Early Flying Merguez with homemade rig in Fimo
The start of my puppet making, armature: balsa, epoxy, wire and K&S, foam.

Animation space and Dragonframe programme

Aardman storyboard course, which helped me write my story, script, storyboard and make a shot list.
My storyboard for Flying Merguez
in 'The Prickly Picnic'.

I had a house flood and had to divert to a more limited stop-motion and computer based project. Below is the test for an augmented reality stop-motion sequence that triggered from a QR code. In Berlin in May 2024, to celebrate 20 years of Pictoplasma, myself and a global team of 5 female artists devised, curated and participated in a 20 character hunt exhibition by 20 international artists.

The Pictoplasma Character Hunt, was set up by myself and a global team of 5 women (UK/NZ/GER/NOR) in Jan 2024. Using Dragonframe, After Effects, Photoshop, Adobe Aero and Google Geospatial Creator. The video below shows some of the AR exhibits and my Flying Merguez stop motion in action.

Progress 2024
After time to recover, reflect and more tests. I decided to change to a simpler story I wrote in 2016 – Custard Chaos (renamed), featuring Madame La Creme. Here is the animatic and the storyboard. I'm currently plotting the sound.

Storyboard and Animatic – using Procreate Dreams and Garageband

click for sound: mock up of sound which will be replaced (copyright Monkey and

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